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E - Mail£¯On-line
  On-Line Shipping Request

You are kindly requested to provide us with shipment service as below-approved


Requester/Company Name
Phone No. Fax No.
Person In Contact Cell Phone
E - Mail Country
Home page

Service Details to be done

Shipment Mode
Air Sea Air and Sea
Project Turn-Key Overseas Removal
L/C Nos P/O Nos
Commodity Invoice value-USD
Container Bulk
Quantity 20ft 40ft Total CBM
Payment Prepaid Collect Total Weight
Tax return Yes No

Shipment Details to be done

Sea Loading Port/Country
Discharge Port/Country
shipment date expected (Date/Month/Year)
Door Date expected (Time/Date/Month/Year)
Door contact
Company Name
Person in Charge
Air Loading Port
Discharge Port
shipment date expected (Date/Month/Year)
Pick-up Date expected (Time/Date/Month/Year)
Pick-up contact
Company Name
  Person in Charge
Actual Consignee/Consignor
Phone No. Fax No.
Person In Contact Cell Phone
E - Mail Country

Additional instructions, if any

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Toplas World Logistics, Inc
Room 402, Kyuchun Bldg, 629-11 Sihnsa-dong, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, Korea ( 135-895)
Tel : 82-2-3444-2431/2/3, Fax : 82-2-3444-2434, E-Mail : toplas@toplas21.com
Copyright ¨Ï 2003 Toplas World Logistics, Inc. All rights reserved.